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Referring information.

When referring a patient please ensure:

  • Accurate ACC details including having the correct body site listed on the claim.

  • If it's a work related injury provide details of accredited employer.

  • Details of any previous treatment or surgery.

  • List general medical problems and any medications or allergies.

  • Conducting imaging (X-ray or Ultrasound) prior to specialist appointment is helpful in speeding up the process.

  • Correct and up to date contact details for the patient.

  • Referrals are processed within 48 hours of being received

For patient referrals please email us at

Our reception staff will endeavor to make contact within 48 hours of receiving the referral.

If your patient appears to be waiting longer than you feel appropriate, please call us to let us know and we will do our best to priorities them.

If you have any other further enquires please get in touch on 07 957 6064